“The PentaCon”, Eyewitnesses To The 9/11 Pentagon Attack Speak Out

“Citizen Investigation Team presents this explosive documentary regarding the 9/11 attack on the Pentagon revealing quadruple corroborated testimony proving the plane flew on the north side of the CITGO station making it impossible to have toppled the light poles and damage the building as outlined in the ASCE report. Visit http://www.ThePentaCon.com for more details

Filed under: Crime, History, Journalism, , ,

“I Came Over The Bridge With Them”, Taxi Cab Driver Admits Involvement In 9/11 Black Op? ** HIGHLY RECOMMENDED


Filed under: Africa, Agriculture, Asia, Bolivia, China, Corporations, Crime, Culture, East Asia, Economics, Europe, Film, Financial, Health, History, Humanity, Immigration, Israel, Journalism, Law, Media, Middle East, Military, North America, Palestine, Politics, Psychology, Russia, Science, South America, Technology, UK, World Affairs, , ,

Abu Ghraib Torture Soldiers Say “We Were Following Orders”

See Washington Post article

“Karpinski on Abu Ghraib: We were following orders
By David Edwards

President Obama says the Attorney General can review the actions of Bush officials who OKed waterboarding, reports Bill Plante. Harry Smith talks to Janis Karpinski who oversaw Iraqi prisons in 2003.

The Associated Press reported:

An Army Reserve colonel demoted from brigadier general because of prisoner abuses at the Abu Ghraib facility in Iraq said Wednesday the Senate report supports her contention that uniformed military people were made scapegoats for Bush administration policies.

Col. Janis Karpinski said that from the beginning, Ive been saying these soldiers did not design these techniques on their own.

Karpinski said she felt vindicated and said she thought it had taken far too long for the information about the history of the interrogation policy to surface publicly.

This video is from CBS The Early Show, broadcast Apr. 22, 2009. “

Filed under: Crime, History, Humanity, Journalism, Law, Media, Middle East, Military, North America, World Affairs, , , ,

Radio Interview With John M. Barry, Author Of “The Great Influenza”: A Document Of The 1918 Spanish Flu Outbreak

Filed under: Health, History, Humanity, Nature, Science, World Affairs,

The Soviet Tale, A History Of The Soviet Union

The Soviet Tale. This is a documentary made by a Latvian producer with support and request from some of the members of the EU. Here is told and explained the truth of Lenin’s, Stalin’s and Hitler’s for that matter, ideologies. That those all originate from one and the same idea published by Karl Marx in 1848-49. The base of it is that for most advanced nations to prosper and to be able to “create” the “New Man” who would be healthier, stronger, smarter and better in every way. But for that to happen the less advanced nations/societies like Slavs, Scottish highlanders, Bretons, Serbs and such have to be “exterminated”. In the advanced nations themselves, the lover society’s classes have to be OLSO exterminated (parasites of the society). This process is called “The War of Classes”. After Lenin took control of the Russia before the First World War, more than 10 million dead! By Stalin’s orders, to confiscate all food from most of the areas in Ukraine, where rebellion was growing. This was year 1932, and winter that year 1932-1933 7 million people starved to death. Under Second World War more than 20 million civilians were killed in the process Class War. After WWII Stalin ordered to clear the concentration camps, first used by Germans, and prepare them for new “prisoners” from all over CCCP (USSR). In Siberia gulags were build and citizens from USSR, mostly from the Baltic’s and south borders were sent there to work and to DIE. Millions more lost their lives there after the war had ended, so that more exact number of victims is unknown and will NEVER be known. This documentary is dedicated to their memory. Please comment; express your feelings and thoughts in my page on youtube, username: vytautas4Xfiles. Please spread the word of awareness to your friends and fellows, so that the dead shall NOT be forgotten and the justice would be served.

Filed under: History, Journalism, Russia, World Affairs, ,

The Way of All Flesh, Adam Curtis: “Immortal” Cancer Cells Taken By Scientists From A Patient In 1951 Continued Growing “In Ways They Couldn’t Control”

Follows the story of the cells of Henriettta Lacks. She dies in 1951 of cancer, before she died cells were removed from her body and cultivated in a laboratory in the hope that they could help find a cure for cancer. The cells (known as the HeLa line) have been growing ever since, and the scientists found that they were growing in ways they could not control.

Filed under: Health, History, Journalism, Science, Technology, , , , ,

The Living Dead, Adam Curtis: How The Second World War Was Re-Written

“On the Desperate Edge of Now- This episode examined how the various national memories of the Second World War were effectively rewritten and manipulated in the Cold War period. For Germany, this began at the Nuremberg Trials, where attempts were made to prevent the Nazis in the dock—principally Hermann Göring—from offering any rational argument for what they had done. Subsequently, however, bringing lower-ranking Nazis to justice was effectively forgotten about in the interests of maintaining West Germany as an ally in the Cold War. For the Allied countries, faced with a new enemy in the Soviet Union, there was a need to portray WW2 as a crusade of pure good against pure evil, even if this meant denying the memories of the Allied soldiers who had actually done the fighting, and knew it to have been far more complex. A number of American veterans told how years later they found themselves plagued with the previously-suppressed memories of the brutal things they had seen and done. The title comes from a veteran’s description of what the uncertainty of survival while combat is like.”

“You Have Used Me as a Fish Long Enough- In this episode, the history of brainwashing and mind control was examined. The angle pursued by Curtis was the way in which psychiatry pursued tabula rasa theories of the mind, initially in order to set people free from traumatic memories and then later as a potential instrument of social control. The work of Ewen Cameron was surveyed, with particular reference to Cold War theories of communist brainwashing and the search for hypnoprogammed assassins. The programme’s thesis was that the search for control over the past via medical intervention had had to be abandoned and that in modern times control over the past is more effectively exercised by the manipulation of history. Some film from this episode, an interview with one of Cameron’s victims, was later re-used by Curtis in his The Century of the Self. The title of this episode comes from a paranoid schizophrenic seen in archive film in the programme, who believed her neighbours were using her as a source of amusement by denying her any privacy, like a pet goldfish.”

The Attic- In this episode, the Imperial aspirations of Margaret Thatcher were examined. The way in which Mrs Thatcher used public relations in an attempt to emulate Winston Churchill in harking back to Britain’s “glorious past” to fulfil a political or national end. The title is a reference to the attic flat at the top of 10 Downing Street, which was created during Thatcher’s period refurbishment of the house, which did away with the Prime Minister’s previous living quarters on lower floors. Scenes from The Innocents (film) the adaptation of The Turn of the Screw by Henry James are intercut with Thatcher’s reign

More superb journalism from Adam Curtis.

Filed under: Europe, Film, History, Journalism, Media, Military, North America, Palestine, Politics, Russia, UK, World Affairs, , , ,

Fool Me Twice: Documentary About Government Cover-ups Concerning The Bali Bombings, East Timor Massacre, and 1993 WTC Attack

I’ve posted this before. For some reason I’m feeling compelled to post it again.

Filed under: Crime, History, Humanity, Journalism, Military, World Affairs, , ,

Taken For A Ride, US Automobile Industry Actively Sabotaged Mass Public Transport

Taken for a Ride is an amazing documentary by Jim Kleina and Martha Olson that documents the efforts to derail mass transit in America. Ever wonder why the U.S. has the worst mass transportation system in the industrialized world? Using historical footage and investigative research, this film tells how GM fought to push freeways into the inner cities of America, and push public transportation out. For more information about this film, check out http://www.newday.com. This video was funded by the Independent Television Service. Support the work of this film by (a) using public transportation, (b) telling your elected representatives to dedicate more funding towards public transportation, and (c) purchase this video for your own collection. Go to http://www.newday.com/films/Taken_for_a_Ride.html

Filed under: Corporations, Economics, Financial, History, Journalism, North America, Technology, , , , ,

Issac Newton: The Dark Heretic, “Last of the Magicians” – BBC Documentary

“BBC – ‘Newton: The Dark Heretic’ Aired 2003 ‘Heretic’ in the sense that he disbelieved in the concept of the Trinity. A very interesting documentary revealing a hidden and truly enlightened side to one of the greatest minds that western civilisation has known. His deep study of science led him to a firm conclusion that there is a Creator and based on his study of early Christian history, he was convinced that the concept of The Trinity was a falsification of the pure message of monotheism that Jesus preached. Newton vehemently rejected the corruption of the Christian establishment and the innovation that is the divinity of Jesus, his belief was the revealed God is one God. During his life he was forced to keep this belief secret for fear of being labelled a heretic and after his death this information was carefully suppressed. The documentary also highlights the point that in the absence of study of the final divine revelation no matter how great the mind the knowledge of the unseen can not be deciphered as is illustrated by the fact that Newton spirals into a hopeless search for the truth by vigoursly engaging in the art of alchemy! File can be downloaded from http://www.islamictorrents.net/details.php?id=6870”

Filed under: History, Humanity, Literature, Nature, Paranormal, Philosophy, Science, , , , ,

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I'm a Media and Communications graduate from Goldsmiths College, London, a Project Manager and Web Developer (C#, PHP). In my spare time I like to write fiction, music, and read current affairs.

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